Monday, February 1, 2010

Where Do U Get A Pikachu In Silver Is It Possible To Get Pikachu On Pokémon Silver?

Is it possible to get Pikachu on Pokémon Silver? - where do u get a pikachu in silver

My all-time favorite Pokemon is Pikachu, but I can not find, in every part of my game pokemon silver. Can Pikachu anyway? If so, where can I get one? I have all the cards in the gym and I can go to other cities.


Anonymous said...

If you have seen or in the past fought in the game Pokemon Pikachu silver, then enter your Pokédex and go to the "zone" and shows the nest of Pikachu.

But in my experience only comes at night in the game.

It has used the rabies from level 2 to level 8, so that a strong pokemon pikachu alarm on the ball.

No way to catch Pichu or Raichu.

Even if you leave a man and a woman with man, day care, will produce an egg, in fact many, but not both.

If your raichu you want, and then you find a thunder stone and develop Pikachu.

Pikachu is the Emerald City and tin Inbetween

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